Meer groen in huis

Having different plants in the house is very important. They purify the air, create a relaxed atmosphere and make the room a lot cozier. No wonder you can find a green plant in every home! However, there are other ways to have more greenery in your home besides adding plants. In this blog we show 5 ways to have more greenery in your home!

#1. More green in the house with a vertical garden

You see it more and more in Dutch households: a vertical garden! It is a unique trend when you want to add wall decoration, but do not want to go for a standard painting. Think of it as a living painting ! With a vertical garden you bring more green into your home in a fun way with different types of plants that grow in a frame on your wall. With so much greenery in your home , you not only give your house a luxurious, but also an organic look. There are special techniques that help to moisten the vertical garden, so that you don't have to do anything besides enjoy it!
More green in the house

#2. Put together a terrarium for more greenery in the house

Plants and glass are an enchanting combination. The glass enhances the fresh greenery of the plants and makes them stand out even more. If you want more greenery in your home , a terrarium is something you should go for. A terrarium is a glass bottle or pot with small plants in it: often it looks like a small piece of forest in a pot. You don't have to have a green thumb either, the plants don't need any care! They live on recycled oxygen, water and nutrients. For more greenery at home , you can buy a terrarium, or get creative and make your own!
More green in the house

#3. More green in the house with an aquarium

Ever considered getting an aquarium into your home? It's a unique way to bring a tropical atmosphere and more greenery into your home ! Of course it is important that you first do some research on aquariums and the animals that come in, but once it is set up you have a beautiful piece of greenery in your home . The aquarium will be overgrown with beautiful water plants, stones and if there are also beautiful fish swimming around, you have a beautiful green eye-catcher in your home.

#4. More green in the house with miniature nature

Miniature nature, also called microgardening. Nowadays it is an incredibly trendy way to bring more green into your home . You can create a small ecosystem in glass jars, in a bell jar or even on a lamp, just like with the terrarium. Here you build small landscapes, making it look like you have a mini garden on the cupboard. Just like with the terrarium, you can buy them ready-made, but you can also put them together yourself! However, it is not the case that you do not have to look after them, because they do need light and water.
More green in the house

#5. More green in the house with paintings

Finally , you can bring more green into your home with the help of paintings . Especially if you don't have a green thumb, this is something that will suit you. In our plant collection you will find various paintings of plants and flowers that will hang perfectly on your wall. If you want to bring more green into your home with the help of paintings , we recommend going for an eye-catcher. Hang a large painting on the wall, for example from the William Morris collection . Morris' unique designs will be a real eye-catcher in your interior.
William Morris poster

How do you ensure more greenery in your home ?

And, which method do you go for to bring more green into your home ? We are convinced that you will make something beautiful out of it. Have fun in your greener home! Are you looking for nice decorations that match your interior? Discover our entire range here !

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