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Reptiles, you see them in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes as pets and sometimes in the wild. Some are long and slippery and some rough and poisonous. One thing is certain and that is that they are interesting animals to watch. In this blog we tell you more about animal posters from the Walljar collections.

Do you want animal posters? Then choose the wall decoration of a reptile! Order these now in the animal collection !

The Lizards

Lizards are called reptiles. They are crawling animals. There are more than 3000 different species of lizards in the world. Almost every country has one species of lizard and often even dozens of species. It just depends on where you look. In the Amazon area you will find hundreds of different species, while in the Netherlands there is only one species. This is due to the temperature differences and living conditions in the different areas.

The ideal temperature

It is of course logical that you will encounter more lizards in a heavily wooded area than in a walking park. But if we look at the temperature, it also plays a major role. Lizards are cold-blooded animals. So they cannot heat their own body. That is why it is important that they live in a warmer area.

The best is between 20 and 40 degrees Celsius. A lizard can cool down at about 20 degrees and sunbathe at a warmer temperature. It is therefore important that you always provide a lizard terrarium with a good temperature.
wall art

The rough, distinct skin of the lizard

A lizard does not have fur or normal skin as we are used to from most people and animals. No, a lizard has scales for skin. These are not soft and cuddly, but hard and firm. The scales have one big advantage over other animal species, which is that they act like armor for a lizard should it get into a fight. Would you like a picture of this powerhouse on animal posters ? Then order ''Le Lézard'' in the Walljar animal collection !

One life, six tails

Lizards are one of the few animals that can have multiple tails in a single lifetime. For example, a lizard can lose its tail in a fight and then grow it back. This will take a while, but then the animal will have a brand new tail!

The colorful Lizards

Lizards often differ in color, but how come and what makes the color of a lizard? The answer is quite simple; a lizard takes on the color of the environment in which it lives. For example, if the animal lives in the trees, its skin color will turn green, and if it lives on the ground, it will turn brown. This works as good camouflage for enemy animals.

Some reptiles such as the chameleon can even continuously change their skin color according to the environment in which they live. Read more about the chameleon below. Don't forget to order your favorite lizard and hang it on the wall as art !

Animal posters: the chameleon

The chameleon, everyone knows him. The only animal that can change color like a true camouflage expert. This is very unique and nice to see. A chameleon changes color to adapt to its environment. This makes them harder for predators to see. For example, a chameleon that lives in the trees turns green and a chameleon that lives on the ground between the leaves turns brown. A chameleon has several colors in its skin cells, although not all colors of the rainbow, but quite a few.

You do not see these colors at first glance. These only come up when the chameleon gets scared. For example, the chameleon can get very bright colors when it is scared. Think red, yellow, blue and so on. When the chameleon feels comfortable, it will turn green or brown depending on whether it is in a tree or on the ground.
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A muscular tongue

A chameleon is related to the lizard and is officially an iguania. He is known for having a very strong, long tongue. Moreover, he can look in all directions with his eyes. This makes it easy for him to spot and chase prey. He waits for the right moment and then he strikes with his tongue. The muscular tongue shoots out of its mouth like a rocket and grabs its prey.

Do you want animal posters and do you also think the chameleon is fantastic? Order your animal posters of the chameleon in our animal collection !


Snakes, you find them fascinating or you really dislike them. They come in all shapes and sizes; long, short, thick, thin, poisonous and non-toxic. The most famous battles are the King Cobra and the Anaconda. Are you still looking for animal posters? At Walljar you will find the most beautiful wall decoration of snakes !

The Giant Serpent: The Anaconda

The Anaconda is known as one of the largest snakes in the world. It can sometimes be up to 5 to 6 meters long and have a diameter of up to 30 cm. Because of this enormous size, the blows don't weigh anything either. They often weigh several hundred pounds. The snake is not venomous but uses its enormous size to strangle its prey and then eat it.

The snake with the intimidating neck: the Cobra

The Cobra is one of the most intimidating snakes in the world. With his neck that he can put up when he feels threatened, he scares off many people and animals. In addition, the snake can lift the front part of its body up to almost a meter in the air. In this way he makes himself a lot bigger and his enemy even more afraid.

Unlike the Anaconda, the Cobra is a poisonous snake species. Although not the most poisonous, but so poisonous that the poison of a King Cobra can kill a person within 15 minutes after a bite.

Fortunately for us, Cobras are not aggressive by themselves. They will never just attack people if they have no reason to. On the other hand, the Cobras are aggressive during the mating season because they want to protect their young. Be sure to watch out for these beasts if you ever come across them on vacation!

Do you really think snakes are cool animals? Then order your animal posters from ' ' Le serpent '' in the Walljar animal collection !
wall art

Have you been fascinated by any of these reptiles?

Then order your animal posters of your favorite reptiles in our animal collection !
